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Cryptocurrency commentary


What's stopping cryptocurrencies?

It is unlikely that cryptocurrencies will ever completely replace fiat currencies, but ... What needs to be done to get mass adoption of...

How green is your cryptocurrency?

It is currently believed that cryptocurrency mining currently consumes more electricity than the whole of Ireland. I.e. cryptocurrency is...

Where is the USP? part 2

Flash. nChain has decided to re-vamp the image they present to the world. So what is the visible manifestation of all their internal...

Where is the USP?

Any successful product has to capture mind share. I.e. the product must be associated with a particular word or phrase or concept in...

The future of Bitcoin

I'm not interested in the price of bitcoin. I became interested in Bitcoin because it had the potential to do much good. The idea of ...

All in one room

Yesterday I watched a the Oct 16, 2019 CC Forum featuring Brock Pierce, Nouriel Roubini, Tone Vays, Bobby Lee and Craig Wright at...

If Bitcoin took over...

Many crypto-enthusiasts who look forward to the day when Bitcoin becomes the world's premier currency. But is that likely to happen...

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